Chief investment Officer
We specialize in crafting investment portfolios that leverage diverse sources of returns, with a particular emphasis on both equities and Australian fixed income investments.
We specialize in crafting investment portfolios that leverage diverse sources of returns, with a particular emphasis on both equities and Australian fixed income investments.
Our expert team is dedicated to generating robust performance through uncorrelated sources in these areas. Our approach is grounded in a belief that diversification across equities and fixed income allows for a more effective way to meet investment objectives and secure attractive risk-adjusted returns.
Our expertise spans the entire spectrum of fixed income, including traditional government bonds, credit, and inflation-linked strategies. Additionally, we excel in managing ‘passive enhanced’ style portfolios, demonstrating a consistent track record of achieving above-benchmark results in this area.
Beyond our well-established unit trusts, we excel in crafting bespoke, segregated mandates, tailored to meet the specific needs and goals of our clients. Australasia Financial Services stands as one of the foremost and most seasoned managers of Australian-based fixed income solutions.
Our capabilities extend globally, sourcing diverse investment opportunities both within Australia and internationally, leveraging insights from specialists in the world’s leading bond markets. Our ‘balanced risk’ approach is designed to diversify performance drivers and ensure steady outperformance throughout the entire market cycle.
Our portfolio management is not restricted by a standard ‘house view.’ Our managers have the freedom to employ a variety of distinct and uncorrelated performance drivers. Our primary goal is to generate long-term excess returns, with a fundamental emphasis on capital protection.
We are committed to best-in-class ESG integration, considering environmental, social, and governance factors alongside traditional financial performance indicators, ensuring a responsible and forward-thinking investment approach.
Australasia Financial Services, curiosity is the driving force behind everything we do. It shapes our investment philosophies, steers our investment processes, and energizes our distinctive, research-focused approach to investment management.
Our investment management team Hold a firm commitment to crafting sustainable long-term outcomes for our clients by delving into deeper questions, projecting further into the future, and considering the lasting impacts of our actions.
Our name, Australasia Financial Services, captures both our rich heritage and our forward-looking mission. The word ‘Trinity’ connects to our strong and successful past, while ‘Asset & Commercial Capital’ symbolizes a path — reflecting our pledge to chart our own course and invest responsibly over the long term.
This team employs a comprehensive portfolio construction and investment approach, offering a variety of exposures in directional equity, fixed income, and liquid alternative styles within its portfolios. These portfolios are involved in ongoing implementation of strategic ideas, exploring unique investment approaches, and are proactively managed with a focus on achieving specific risk-adjusted total return objectives.
Our teams in investment are distinguished by their combination of insight, innovation, and precision, supported by thorough analysis, structured methodologies, and effective risk management. They aim to stay ahead in anticipating and adapting to changes in the market to consistently deliver superior, risk-adjusted performance.
Chief investment Officer
Lead Equity Strategy
Lead Fixed Income Strategy
Head of Portfolio Management
Head of Research
Head of Sales and Consultants Relationships
Compliance Manager
Client Relationship Director